Wednesday, September 11, 2013

September Music Room News

September is an exciting time of the year in the JME music room. Kindergarten students are preparing their "sounds" for their program on Friday, September 27, 2013 in the gymnasium at 1pm. The children were given a letter filled with program information on Monday. It will be an event that you do not want to miss. Third grade students are busy preparing "Interplanetary Jammin'" for your listening pleasure. They will perform on Friday, October 25th at 1pm. This performance promises to be out of this world. We have lots of tricks up our sleeves for this one! 4th and 5th grade chorus will meet for their first classes on Friday afternoon. We are so excited to finally get started making beautiful harmonies together. We look forward to performing for you this winter. Everyone else is busy learning alot about rhythm and melody. 4th and 5th grade students should be studying their Frederick Delius study guides. Until next time, try to stay cool, dry, and listen to music every day!